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In the process of marketing our real estate properties, a range of integrated activities are taken into account, which includes planning, pricing, promotion and the complete knowledge of all existing and potential customers.

Dar Al Ishraq adopts the latest marketing techniques and strategies to attract investors with affordable and convenient real estate properties that they look forward to.  We execute marketing mix for each project in agreement with prevailing market trends and needs.

Real Estate Marketing is a continuous process. You can’t expect an astounding result by just executing a marketing campaign and imagine it will drive results all the time. We realize that even if you are very good at selling or managing real estate properties, your business goes down the drains if you can’t market it well, especially in a highly competitive market in the UAE.

The most crucial element of our marketing strategy is to understand the potential clients. Because clients are the focal point of any real estate business, we identify at the outset who they are and what motivates them, so that we can meet our client needs effectively.  Basing on the research we conduct, we give our clients customized services in line with their personal interests and economical standing. This also influences our communication strategies and media selection for the massive  impact on driving potential customers toward us.

Another fundamental aspect of our marketing is the sheer variety of the properties we offer, which include office units, retail spaces, and residential apartments, and so on. We cater to the aspirations of a number of customers who come from different cultural and economic background. It’s important for us to understand each of their preferences in our real estate business as well as the marketing process.

We also perform a SWOT Analysis, in order to assess the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of our marketing campaigns.  In fact, this analysis is the first stage of our marketing planning. It helps us better understand the competitive market, as well as improve our ability to identify ideal clients. The ultimate goal of this analysis is to turn weaknesses into strengths and turn threats into opportunities.

Our marketing services cover all possible means of property promotion like planning and executing media and promotional campaigns.  It contains direct property sales, supervising and developing all required digital and print media materials. Moreover, our marketing activities also include participating in exhibitions and conferences to reach out to our targeted clients with our unique property offerings.